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The essential beginner’s pre-recorded, self-paced course for starting a government contracting business:
Everything you need to cut through the confusion, giving you step-by-step guidance, proven systems, and the confidence to set up your business, start bidding, and win lucrative contracts with ease.
What you'll get:
How to set up your business ($1,200 Value)
Identify what to sell ($1,800 Value)
Step-by-step guidance to get your CAGE Code ($893 Value)
How to locate solicitations to bid on ($800 Value)
Strategic pricing tips to maximize your bids ($400 Value)
Build confidence to start bidding on contracts ($400 Value)
Why the government chooses small businesses like yours ($200 Value)
Winning strategies for new businesses and solopreneurs ($200 Value)
Mindset and business savvy ($400 Value)
Avoiding common pitfalls ($500 Value)
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